Why seasons?
As a business we are really proud to be walking a slightly different path from the masses. This is our 'seasons' pattern, created with one objective - to remind our customers of our passion for sustainable fashion and to demonstrate that we don't chase trends or seasons.

Talking to people who know us
This pattern won't be seen by 1000's of people, I'll be honest, we don't expect it to be. There's no ad spend behind it, and we're totally fine with that, because we know that the people who like what we do, the people who are connected with us, will see it and they'll remember it because it's different from what everybody else is saying. Plus, the people who know us, recognise it's a genuine expression of our values.
Our timing is deliberate, whilst we don't want to be part of lack Friday and have no deals (sorry). The message is deliberate as we move into the Winter Season, we don't want to be part of Fast Fashion and firmly believe that there are better ways to operate and produce clothing. Plus we don't want to further mess up the natural rhythm of nature.

Living our values
Please don't misunderstand , this is not some thinly veiled attempt, or poor excuse to 'sell, sell, sell'. We know that good branding is much bigger and let's be honest, more boring than most commentators, ninja's and influencers would admit.

It's about connecting our services (the stuff we do) with you, real people, and together we share human values. We're not chasing hysterical trends, selling products at a loss in the hope of winning your custom and loyalty. It's big picture stuff and we appreciate that our approach is not for everyone.

Consistently human
One thing remains a constant - our human values. We believe in creating a people to people thing. Connecting with people that share our values - in life and in our products.