DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

What are your clothes saying about you?-DressCode Shirts

What are your clothes saying about you?

Every item of clothing you wear has something to say. It speaks to you, your idea of yourself and to other people around you. The technical term fo...
5 tips to start a positive Home Schooling journey-DressCode Shirts

5 tips to start a positive Home Schooling journey

5 tips that will help you get going in the right direction this week. There’s been a lot of change in the past week for all of us. At times like this we all crave normality - things, processes and activities that are familiar and reassuring

Good savings-DressCode Shirts

Good savings

As the Sales season really kicks off we thought that what can we do to make a difference? Something that goes beyond a personal win for you, or for...
We're all suffering from enclothed cognition-DressCode Shirts

We're all suffering from enclothed cognition

Enclothed cognition affects everyone, understanding this powerful instinct and how to use it well will help you be more confident, deliver better and communicate clearer.