DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

The Yellow Pages – innovation, history and why it’s relevant today!

The Yellow Pages – innovation, history and why it’s relevant today!

Do you remember the Yellow pages? An ad directory from another time that has alarming similarities to the current social media landscape. It's time to change!

Ghostbusters - Geeks vs Ghosts in Cambridge

Ghostbusters - Geeks vs Ghosts in Cambridge

Geeks vs Ghosts and Ghostbusting in Cambridge! A city full of geeks and technology nerds, chasing down the ghosts of geeks past in the city's ancient college buildings. Sounds like our kind of fun
Celebrating 6 years

Celebrating 6 years

Regular viewers will know that we usually mark our birthday with a new pattern and shirt design. However this year we're trying something new! And ...
Re-Fashion Denim Edition

Re-Fashion Denim Edition

Re-Fashion Denim Edition sees DressCode reveal our collaboration with fellow fashion enthusiasts to rethink our relationship with Denim.
Jodrell Bank and the Lovell space telescope

Jodrell Bank and the Lovell space telescope

15 miles south of Manchester (England) city centre you’ll find a very large space telescope nestled in the heart of the rolling Cheshire countrysid...
Let's get physical

Let's get physical

Over the past 12 months we have been exploring the opportunities to take our online business into the real world of physical retail. Here's the story so far...
Reframing the climate challenge

Reframing the climate challenge

An inspiring event, reframing the hurdles, blockers and negatives into positive opportunities to address climate change.
Why motorcycles?

Why motorcycles?

With just a couple of days to go until DGR 23 - Distinguished Gentleman's Ride. An event we love, clothes and motorcycles in one -winner! In this blog we're looking at What motivates people to ride motorcycles?
Going up, level 1 - technology and fashion

Going up, level 1 - technology and fashion

A look back at our 2022 journey - the highs, lows and the innovation that has taken us to the next level.
Is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide trying to escape from reality

Is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide trying to escape from reality

We all live and breathe technology each and every day, it does amazing things, but are we chasing the wrong goals?
Food for thought from Cambridge Zero 2022

Food for thought from Cambridge Zero 2022

Food what we eat, where it comes from, how it's processed and produced has a huge impact on our climate. Here's what we learnt at Cambridge Zero festival.
4 years of DressCode Shirts

4 years of DressCode Shirts

Looking back over 21-22, what we learnt that is shaping the future of what we do - Made on demand.