DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

Get your tech on with sustainable fashion-DressCode Shirts

Get your tech on with sustainable fashion

When environmental science, data and fashion meet...

The British Antarctic Survey have been working with us to explore how clothing could communicate important environmental messages in style, developing new dialogue and engaging people in this important conversation.

What are your clothes saying about you?-DressCode Shirts

What are your clothes saying about you?

Every item of clothing you wear has something to say. It speaks to you, your idea of yourself and to other people around you. The technical term fo...
Face Mask Top 10 Tips-DressCode Shirts

Face Mask Top 10 Tips

The top 10 things to look for when purchasing a Face Mask – from colours and shapes to the fittings and day-to-day functioning, from the emotional well-being and the cost for the planet, this is everything that you need to know about Face Masks.
5 tips to start a positive Home Schooling journey-DressCode Shirts

5 tips to start a positive Home Schooling journey

5 tips that will help you get going in the right direction this week. There’s been a lot of change in the past week for all of us. At times like this we all crave normality - things, processes and activities that are familiar and reassuring

First birthday-DressCode Shirts

First birthday

A look back over our first 12 months, the things we learnt, the surprises and what the future holds as we move into smart clothing with contactless payments directly from our shirts. Live I.T  Love I.T  Wear I.T
We're all suffering from enclothed cognition-DressCode Shirts

We're all suffering from enclothed cognition

Enclothed cognition affects everyone, understanding this powerful instinct and how to use it well will help you be more confident, deliver better and communicate clearer.